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M.G. Abdullaev doctor of historical sciences, Andizhan State University Department of history of Uzbekistan R. Abdurasulov Andizhan State University base doctoral student of history of Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the issues of adaptation of agriculture in the Andijan region to the needs of the war in the early years of World War II. In particular, the introduction of new types of crops into agriculture, problems and difficulties encountered in agricultural production are described. Statistical data on state obligations for the cultivation of cotton and other agricultural crops in the districts of the Andijan region in 1941-1942 and their fulfillment are summarized.

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State archive of Namangan region, fund 275, list 1, case 24.

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National Archives of Uzbekistan, fund R-1619, list 1, case 662.

National Archives of Uzbekistan, fund R-90, list 8, case 5293.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 619, list 1, case 1.

National Archives of Uzbekistan, fund R-1619, list 10, case 592.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 608, list 1, case 54.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 608, list 1, case 36.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 619, list 1, case 6.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 608, list 1, case 56.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 608, list 1, case 32.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 619, list 1, case 7.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 619, list 1, case 8.

State archive of Andijan region, fund 619, list 1, case 2.

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