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Saidova Dilnoza


This article discusses about defining and non-defining relative clauses, their differences, how to use correctly in a sentence and exceptional cases. The information about the topic is explained in a very clear and simple way.


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O. Uraev “En smart plus”.

Simon Clarke “Macmillian English grammar”.

Martin Hewings “Advanced grammar use”.

Norman Coe “Oxford living grammar.

Collins Cobuild English grammar.

Xasanova M., Ubaydullayev S. Communicative language teaching and learning //boshqaruv va etika qoidalari onlayn ilmiy jurnali. – 2022. – т. 2. – №. 1. – с. 125-128.

Madina X. Zamonaviy Ta’lim muhitida ta’lim strategiyalarini ishlab chiqishning ingliz tilini o’qitish samaradorligini ta’minlash asoslari //boshqaruv va etika qoidalari onlayn ilmiy jurnali. – 2023. – т. 3. – №. 3. – с

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