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Isakova F.R.


The article explores and analyzes theoretical approaches to the emergence of nations in the world. Theoretical and methodological views on the issues of ethnos and ethnicity, ethnogenesis, and ethnic history are considered based on the approaches of primordialism, constructivism, and instrumentalism. The main goal of analyzing these approaches is to reveal the current situation and future development of the Uzbek people, as well as the views related to its formation. In this context, the article also examines the significance of historical, cultural, and social factors that have shaped the identity of the Uzbek nation over time. By integrating various theoretical approaches, the paper aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Uzbek ethnic identity has developed through centuries of historical interaction with neighboring peoples and cultures. Furthermore, the study explores the role of historical memory, language, and traditions in preserving ethnic identity, while also reflecting on the impact of modern political and economic transformations on the development of ethnic consciousness.


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