Main Article Content
This article is devoted to the study of the relationship between artistic language and stylistics. In order to demonstrate its features, we aimed to show the characteristics of each of them before revealing the interrelationship between the science of stylistics and the artistic language. There are different views about the object of their study. Academician V.Y. Vinogradov says that it is necessary to show 3 aspects of verification that are related to each other, but differ in terms of tasks.[1] They are as follows
[1] Vinogradov V.V. Problimы русской стилистикию - Из-во «Высшая школа» , 1981. С. 10
Article Details
Sultansaidova Saodat
Candidate of philological sciences, associate professor
This article is devoted to the study of the relationship between artistic language and stylistics. In order to demonstrate its features, we aimed to show the characteristics of each of them before revealing the interrelationship between the science of stylistics and the artistic language. There are different views about the object of their study. Academician V.Y. Vinogradov says that it is necessary to show 3 aspects of verification that are related to each other, but differ in terms of tasks. They are as follows:
Stylistics, which studies the functional styles of the language. This is also called structural stylistics. The task of structural stylistics is to teach the specific features and means of expression of formal, scientific, journalistic, artistic style, which are its structural elements. Stylistics of fiction, which studies literary trends, works of art, and writer's style. Its task is to argue about the writer's ability to use the means of expression in creating his works of art.
Stylistics of speech examining the aspects of meaning and impact of different genres (semantic, artistic, expressive) and the difference between oral and written speech. His task examines the written and spoken forms of the language, literary and colloquial speech, as well as the system of all styles. He studies which of the language units are used more in written and oral speech, whether language tools are chosen correctly or incorrectly in artistic speech, and ways to use these tools in their place.
Stylistics of literary literature, which studies literary trends, artistic work and writer's style. Its task is to argue about the writer's ability to use the means of expression in creating his works of art. The science of stylistics was formed on the basis of the first and second aspects shown by Academician V. Vinogradov. The third is the object of literary studies. In fact, the stylistics of fiction is a form of it. The reason why this concept is presented as a separate type is that it has very different aspects from other speech styles. The style of fiction is characterized by its comprehensiveness, i.e., it expresses all genres.
So, stylistics has two forms:
Stylistics of artistic speech. These are the functional forms of the language is also held. This includes conversational style, formal style, scientific style, journalistic style and artistic style.
Linguistic, i.e. artistic language stylistics. Its types:
a) phonetic stylistics and artistic language) lexical stylistics and artistic language
d) grammatical stylistics and artistic
Keywords: language of artistic work, stylistics, oral and written language, fiction, literary norm, occasionalism, dialectal speech, speech stylistics, artistic language, speech style,
It is also referred to as functional stylistics or functional style types in the literature.
Speech styles emerge from the structure of interrelated means. They are closely related to the function of language. That is why they are called speech styles. The task of language is related to the development of society and comes from its social essence. Expressions supporting the speech style system are included only within one style. For example, the terms used in the scientific style are formed using certain language forms that are subordinated to a single goal with various characteristics of artistic, journalistic, official, and conversational.
In a certain period of the development of speech styles and artistic language, they are gradually smoothed out and lead to changes. For example, at the beginning of the XX century, due to the expansion of publishing and time-based press work, a journalistic style appeared in Uzbekistan.
Speech styles are closely related to oral and written speech styles. Therefore, each style of speech can be expressed in oral and written form. For example, speech style is mainly characteristic of oral speech. But in fiction, this style has a written style. Also, the oral appearance of the scientific style is manifested when lectures are given during the lesson, scientific exposures are presented at conferences, and the written style is expressed in the form of dissertations, monographs, and scientific articles.
Speech styles, regardless of their specific characteristics and differences, have a commonality based on the norms of literary style.
What is a literary standard? The term "literary standard" is given the following interpretation in the "Annotated Dictionary of the Uzbek Language":
"Literary standard means choosing the most vital tools in the sound system, grammatical appearance, and vocabulary. Literary standard is the highest, refined, polished form of the language.
Literary norm is characteristic not only of the written form of the language, but also of its oral form. Therefore, it is required to observe the literary standards when giving a lecture, and also in radio and television broadcasts. At the same time, there are aspects of it that deviate from the literary norm. For example, words characteristic of poems are also used in the colloquial style. This is contrary to the literary norm, but it is the norm of style. In a literary style, a writer or poet may create words that may not yet be standardized, but remain the norm of the style. Dissertations were created on the mutual relationship between the literary standard and the style standard, i.e. common and different features. For example, A.E. Mamatov's doctoral dissertation entitled "Lexical and phraseological norm problems in contemporary Uzbek literary language" (1991) , S. Toshaliyeva's candidate thesis "Occasionalisms in the Uzbek language" (1998) can be shown.
Speech style is a dialogic form of speech. Compared to written speech, this style is distinguished by its impressiveness, richness of logic, and the presence of new word usages. In this style, all the capabilities of the speaker are revealed. He adds emotion to his speech. In doing so, he uses various gestures and hand gestures. These tools fill in the place of words and phrases that may be left out in the speech and make the meaning of the speech more clear. In this style, incomplete sentences are used, because the omitted part can be expressed in a replica or in another speech situation. There are two types of conversational style:
literary speech style;
Teachers, speakers, journalists, scientific workers, writers and poets, public servants, artists speak in the style of literary conversation. This style is used in the course of the lesson, on stage, in cinematography, TV films, news, television essays, and radio productions. There are no slang and slang words in the literary vocabulary style. In a normal conversational style, they are treated freely without hesitation.
It uses words that may not be in the literary language. But such words show the uniqueness of the speech of some characters in the artistic speech.
Normal colloquial speech also reflects dialectal speech. A speaker can speak in any dialect he represents. For example, words such as shi, mashi, rurom, tadyyin, shulaymi jaa, bopti are characteristic of a simple conversational style.
In this style, you can see the pronunciation features of both literary language and oral speech. We will study the pronunciation norms specific to this style, divided into 2 types:
The first is characteristic of the speech of actors, teachers, singers, orators, in which each word should be pronounced individually, phonetic parts of speech: phrase, tact should be correctly distinguished.
The second one is characteristic of ordinary colloquial speech, and features different from and opposite to literary pronunciation can be expressed. Such as Muazzam-Muaz, Nozima-Nozi, Salima-Sali, Bahadir-Boho, Bakhtiyor-Bakhti.
Fading of the sounds in the word: if it is, throw-carry, exchange of sounds in the word: La'nat-la'lat, ghost-shapra, Sarvi-Savri, Saltaııat-Santalat, etc Addition of sounds in words: Avon-animal.
Lexical-phraseological features of conversational style
The active words used in this style analyze the main part of the content of the sentence. Such words are used at home, on the street, in the workplace, in the market, and at weddings. The main words used in conversation style are soup, bread, water, grain, food, salt, sugar, meat, earth, sky, sun, mother, child, father, etc., because they have no stylistic color. 1 word counts. But in this style, there are also words that have a positive or negative color. For example, Churvaqa, Turq, Bashara, Kekkaimajon, Jinkarcha, Kakajan, Ayimtilla, Pashshahorda, Itvachcha, Tirrancha, etc., have a negative color, and Jujuk, Jiji, Tabassum Ayim, Begim Polvon, Dondiqcha, Bolatoy have a positive color.
Many verbs used in colloquial style have a negative connotation: to mumble, to grumble, to babble, to mumble, to mumble, etc.
There are variants of adjectives that are used only in colloquial style: porim, pismyk, mumsik, iskirt sotak khomkalla, khumpar, zumrasha, qokbosh, gorsokta, etc. Phrases such as ghovlab pedi (his brain is lost), tabi nomozshom (tabi hiran tabi tirrig) are also characteristic of the style of speech.
Grammatical features of conversational style and the language of the work
In this style, rhetorical interrogative sentences, figurative sentences expressing the meaning of the question, emotional sentences are used a lot. The affixed form of fe'1 -i(b),-gan is used in the form -uv di, -ovdi. For example, he was asking - he asked, he came - he came, he stayed - he stayed, he knew - he knew. Subjective nouns made from affixes such as -jon, -xon, -xo’r, -vachcha, -tilla are also often used in colloquial style: kakajan, kekkaimakhan, balokhor, jinnivaccha oymtilla. Subjective nouns made from affixes are also often used in colloquial style: kagajan, kekkaimakhan, balokhor, jinnivachcha oymtilla, etc.
-lar the addition is also in a conversational style -la, -na, -nar can be used in the form of: oliyla (olinglar), keliyna {kelinglar} boringnar (boringlar) such as.
Conversational style is used in communication between two or more people. Dialogue plays a role in this. Therefore, sentences are used in the incomplete form, the speech situation fills the place of unused sentence fragments. For example, What is your name? Did it come? are we gone What's your name? Did the teacher come? Did we go home? It will be written completely in the style of the night began. The speech situation requires not to say these sentences exactly.
Also, expressions such as "he has spoken", "he has tasted food", and "he has listened" are also used when speaking.
We looked at how conversational style differs from literary speech. This is what the conversational style looks like. We got acquainted with the lexical features of conversational style.
Formal style and artistic language
Specific features of official style, its lexical-phraseological features. Appearances of formal style. Phonetic and grammatical features of formal style
The official style is used in diplomatic correspondence, economic, state offices, courts, trade, legal relations, that is, this style is used in administrative documents. This includes applications, cover letters, announcements, biographies, business papers, receipts, correspondence, official notes, orders and decrees, orders, invitations, official letters, commercial documents, etc. (about how to write official papers).
In this style, literary norms are strictly observed, dialectal words, slangs, and words with various stylistic colors are not used. Sentences should be without inversion. Words are not effective. Some documents written in official style are written in a special order and form. For example, official letters, applications, explanatory letters, notices, documents, decisions can be shown. If it is necessary to indicate the amount of money or item, it is written with a number first, and the number is written with letters in parentheses.
In the documents, the idea should be clearly, concisely and succinctly expressed. In this case, the position of the paragraph is important. Each new, separate idea should be separated by a paragraph, and the text between one paragraph and the next should not exceed four to five sentences. Pay special attention to spelling and punctuation in documentation. The document name is capitalized.If it is printed text, every letter of the document name is capitalized.
Any character after the name of the document has a unique appearance due to its usage. When writing them, it is important to pay attention to the format of the document. Of course, diplomatic documents do not contain details between ordinary enterprises or organizations in the same country. Since they are between different countries, the traditions of the country to which the document is sent are taken into account. Whichever type of invoice is being sent to this or that country, the reply will be returned with the same type. Diplomatic documents include statements, official notes and letters, annexed letters, semi-official private letters, diplomatic protocol - notes, memoranda, etc.
In diplomatic correspondence, it is impossible to make mistakes in the name of the country to which the document is being sent, in writing the name and position of the person, and in the expressions addressed to him. Because mistakes are considered rude and disrespectful. It is necessary that these documents have no defects even in appearance, the idea is clear, correct, logical, consistent, reasonable and should be expressed taking into account the characteristics of the other party
Formal style does not have phonetic features. Because there are no signs of pronunciation in it, the literary standard is strictly observed.
Features of formal style and artistic language.
Actually, in the official style, colorful words are not used. But in diplomatic correspondence it is required to have colorful words. Expressions of praise are actively used in it: Dear Sir, Your Excellency, I am sure of my respect for you, on the head, our heads are blue, with the most sincere greetings, with best wishes, I send you with deep respect and gratitude
Slangs, colloquial words, obsolete words and phrases are usually not used in official style. Instead, archaisms and historicisms are used: prince, king, princess, gentleman, His Highness, etc. Among the legal documents, even in the Constitution, every word and sentence should serve the clear and correct expression of the opinion. It contains terms related to professional, legal, diplomatic, administrative and other documents: act, certificate, decision, ambassador, rota, contract, statement, declaration, visit, code, law, article, customs, protest (complaint), cassation etc.
Artistic style, formal style and grammar
Forms of this style, such as an application, a letter of explanation, a receipt, an invitation, are distinguished by the brevity of sentences and the clarity of ideas. Speech stamps in documents add a mark of formality to the text. Words related to the family of nouns are often used in documents. Even when a verb is used, its form close to the noun is used as the name of the action. For example, I ask you to accept, the implementation of the decision, awarding of scholarships, admission to the ranks of students, etc.
Verbs are used in the imperative and imperative moods: it was decided, considered, heard, let it be done, let it be appointed, let it be done, etc.
In juridical law and liu ats, the sentences are very long, sometimes one idea is expressed through a sentence of half a page (excerpts from the laws are read). According to its structure, the Constitution is divided into chapters and sections. Therefore, the text in each section must be related to each other, and one must be consistent with the other. Therefore, some types of connected clauses, non-connective clauses and adverbial clauses serve to fulfill this task. Because in such conjunctive sentences, consecutive, simultaneous, cause-and-effect, conflicting events are expressed
In some legal documents, without referring to individuals by their names, combinations expressing their important features can be used: renters of houses, adopters, officials of organizations in enterprises, institutions, high-ranking officials, etc
From documents, sliartnoms also have a complex syntactic structure. Its main part, the texts showing individual clauses are divided into paragraphs. This feature makes reading and understanding the text a little easier
Conventional abbreviations and fixed conjunctions are often used in documents. For example: the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the Ministry of Defense, the General Staff, the Armed Forces, the Military Hospital can be indicated in foreign documents
It turned out that the language of an artistic work is closely related to the science of stylistics.
The work of art is separately related to each of the three different aspects shown by Vinogratov.
Academician V.V. Vinogradov noted that the artistic style covers all aspects of making the literary language attractive.
Effective knowledge of stylistics ensured the richness and attractiveness of the language of the artistic work.
Vinogradov V.V. Problimы русской стилистикию - Из-во «Высшая школа» , 198 2.Mamatov A.E. «Hozirgi zamon o‘zbek adabiy tilida leksik va frazeologik norma muamınolari» , doktorlik dissertatsiyasi . - 1991-y.
Toshaliyeva S. «O‘zbek tilida okkazionalizmlar» , nomzodlik dissertatsiyasi.-1998-y .
M.Aminov. “Ish yuritish”.- Ўзбекистон миллий энциклопедияси, 2017
ISBN рақами: 978-9943-07-162-9. C.456.
Tomashevskiy B. V. Stilistika i stixoslojenie.- L., 1989