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Numerals as a linguistic resource are one of the areas studied in linguistics. In the Uzbek language, as in other languages, the numeral is considered as one part of speech, and its linguistic features, types and expressions, its function in the speech process, pragmatic aspects are studied in the science of linguistics. The history and etymology of numbers, which we are about to talk about, is also a partially explored area with an interesting linguistic reserve. The linguistic and pragmatic features of the studied numerals also have linguocultural aspects, and studying them as linguistic material along with sociocultural aspects along with etymological analysis provides more scientific results. Therefore, in this small study, we set a goal to study numbers in the history of the Uzbek language, their linguocultural, linguostatistical and etymological characteristics, and as the object of study we chose the texts of stone inscriptions created in the 7th-9th centuries. Since the research object we have chosen is large-scale, we tried to analyze only the statistics of the use of prime numbers, sociocultural characteristics and the etymology of their origin from the collected materials.
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