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Urmonova Maftuna Farhodjon qizi Doctoral student of Fergana State University, teacher of practical English course department at the Faculty of Foreign Languages


The dynamic nature of language constantly gives rise to new words and phrases, known as neologisms. However, the integration of these novel linguistic expressions into everyday discourse poses several challenges. This article explores the complexities surrounding neologisms, including ambiguity, adoption difficulty, resistance from traditionalists, potential for misunderstanding, short lifespan, and overuse. Drawing upon examples from contemporary language trends, we propose a range of solutions to address these challenges effectively. From ensuring clear definitions and contextual clarity to engaging traditionalists and encouraging sustainable usage, these strategies aim to facilitate the seamless integration of neologisms into the linguistic landscape. By navigating the evolution of language with awareness and intentionality, we can harness the power of neologisms to enrich communication while preserving the integrity of our linguistic heritage.

Key words: neologisms, language evolution, linguistic innovation, adoption patterns, lexical creativity, linguistic ambiguity, social media influence, sociolinguistic dynamics, challenge and solution.

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