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The aim of the study was to study the etiological, epidemiological and clinical diagnostic features of cirrhosis of the liver, to improve its prevention measures in rural residents of the Andijan region.
To achieve this goal, we conducted a retrospective and prospective study of a representative sample of the rural population of the Marhamat district, among whom 89 patients with cirrhosis of the liver were identified. Of these, 41 patients due to chronic viral hepatitis B and 39 patients with chronic viral hepatitis C, 7 alcoholic and 2 patients with cirrhosis of the liver of unknown etiology. Immunological studies for the presence of hepatitis B and C viruses, biochemical, special studies for the determination of cholecystokinin-8, gastrin - 17 in the blood were carried out in each patient, as well as gastroduodenoscopy and ultrasound examination were performed for all.
As a result of the research, the prevalence of chronic liver diseases among rural residents of the Andijan region in 2017-2021 was studied; the main risk factors leading to liver cirrhosis were assessed; the effect of the short-chain peptide cholecystokinin-8 in the blood on the course of complications in the upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with liver cirrhosis was studied, thereby the early detection of cirrhosis complications was evaluated the liver.
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