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Rakhmatov Anvar Mamatovich DSc., senior researcher. Scientific-research institute of vegetables, pulse crops and potatoes Soliyev Ziyoyiddin Shuhratbekovich is a junior researcher Scientific Research Institute of Vegetables, Fruit Crops and Potatoes,


This article provides information on the technology of storage, processing and drying of tomato fruits. Based on the given information, scientifically based technologies are widely used in the processing and storage of tomato fruits.

Keywords: tomatoes, fruits, storage, processing, drying, industry, technologies, fertilizers, leaves, roots, productivity.

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Абдуллайев И.Э., Арамов М.Х. Қишлоқ хўжалик маҳсулотларини қуритиш технологияси бўйича дарслик. Тошкент – 2023. «Fan Ziyosi» Нашриёти.

Raxmatov A.M. The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers on the Yield of a Leaf Turnip Plant. Published on the journal of «Middle European Scientific Bulletin» Volume - 28 (2022) September ISSN (E): 2694-9970. Impact Factor: 5.985.Page No 46-49.

Raxmatov A.M. Effect of Irrigation Procedure on Productivity of Turnips for Salad. Journal of Innovative Studies of Engineering Science ( JISES ) Volume: 01 Issue: 03 2022 ISSN: 2751-7578 . Impact Factor: 9.1. Page No 67-69.

Raxmatov A.M. Influence of planting period on the biochemical composition of leaf turnip. Pioneer: Journal of Advanced Research and Scientific Progress (JARSP). Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Page No 10-12. (Impact Factor: 8.1).

Raxmatov A.M. Creation of flower varieties in the process of selection. International journal of biological engineering and agriculture: Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Page No 7-9. (Impact Factor: 8.1).